

Education means ‘to learn, to ‘gain knowledge and teach someone the new thing which he knew not.

Education contains all the information about learning and gaining knowledge from schools, academies, colleges and universities. It also consists of an education system for learning.

Digital learning online

Digital learning online

Digital learning Digital learning means the method of learning by new digital tools. In the modern era, digital learning is not a new concept. Digital learning can be distance learning or face-to-face learning. It does...
Learning with games

Learning with games at home

Educational games mean games that are designed to learn something by playing these games. Learning with games has great importance in the education of children and young people as well. These games also have...
top universities in Canada

23 top universities in Canada: Rankings and Reviews

There are the top universities in Canada to provide high-quality education in the world. Canada is known due to the high standard of education in the world. From all over the world students go...
Skills of Time Management

12 Skills of Time Management for Students

Time management is a crucial skill that can significantly impact an individual's personal and professional life. It involves the ability to allocate and utilize time effectively to accomplish tasks and achieve goals. Good time...
Rate of Unemployment in Pakistan

The Current Rate of Unemployment in Pakistan

The rate of unemployment in Pakistan is increasing every year because of some wrong policies of the Pakistani Government. Unemployment refers to the labour force that is without work but seeking a job or...
what is science about

What Science Is Really About: An Introduction to the Field

Science is a vast and complex field that has fascinated people for centuries. It is the study of the natural world, aiming to explain the universe and how it works. Science has helped us...

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