All About Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme is a revolutionary program that has been introduced in Pakistan with a mission to provide students with the essential tool for learning – a laptop. It is a very laptop scheme for adults. The scheme aims to bridge the digital divide in the country and promote digital inclusion, especially among underprivileged youth. The program is a significant step towards empowering young minds with the latest technology and providing them with access to a world of information and knowledge.

With this scheme, students can now explore the vast universe of information, learn new skills, and enhance their creativity, all while staying connected with the rest of the world. The program is not only beneficial for students but also serves as a catalyst in promoting the country’s technological advancement. This initiative instills a sense of hope and opportunity in the young generation, and the positive impact of this program is bound to be felt for years to come.

Objectives of the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme was launched in May 2014, with the objective of providing laptops to 100,000 students from all over Pakistan. This program is starting now again in May 2023. The program is aimed at bridging the digital divide between the haves and have-nots, ensuring that every student has access to technology and the internet. The scheme’s vision is to equip students with modern tools of learning, enabling them to compete with students from other countries, and ultimately contribute to the country’s economic growth.

The program’s objectives are multi-faceted and include enhancing students’ creativity and innovation, enabling them to develop new skills, and providing them with access to a world of information. The scheme also aims to promote the use of technology in the education sector, improve the quality of education, and enhance students’ academic performance. The program also seeks to promote digital literacy and create a level playing field for all students, regardless of their economic background.

Eligibility criteria for the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

  1. Possess a valid CNIC/B-Form number.
  2. Be a currently enrolled student as of the application submission deadline.
  3. Be enrolled in a Ph.D./MS/MPhil program or any equivalent 18-year program.
  4. Be enrolled in a 4-year or 5-year bachelor’s degree program.
  5. Be enrolled in an MBA program (3.5 years, 2.5 years, or 1.5 years).

To be eligible for the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme, a student must be enrolled in a public sector university or a degree-awarding institution recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). The program is open to all students who have secured at least 60% marks in their last examination. The scheme is not limited to students from a particular region or province, and students from all over Pakistan can apply for the program.

The program’s eligibility criteria have been designed to ensure that only deserving students benefit from the scheme. The objective is to provide laptops to students who have demonstrated academic excellence and are committed to achieving their academic goals. The eligibility criteria are transparent and ensure that the program’s benefits reach the most deserving students.

Last date to Apply for PM Laptop Scheme

The portal and website for the applying purpose were open in May. The deadline for applying to the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme is June 20, 2023.

How to Apply for the PM Laptop Scheme 2023

Students who wish to avail themselves of the PM Laptop Scheme must complete an online application via the official PM Youth Program portal at The online form mandates the submission of crucial personal details, such as the ID card number, mobile contact information, and email address.

After a successful registration process, applicants are required to log in to their accounts. By navigating to the “Application Status” section, they can conveniently monitor the progress of their applications. Additionally, the website offers a comprehensive list of eligible universities and colleges, allowing applicants to confirm their eligibility.

Through the implementation of this revamped youth laptop scheme, the federal government aims to equip students with the necessary technological resources to enrich their educational journeys.

Benefits of the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme has several benefits for students, including access to a world of information and knowledge. With a laptop, students can explore the vast universe of information available on the internet, learn new skills, and enhance their creativity. The scheme also enables students to stay connected with the rest of the world. It is also essential in today’s globalized world.

The program’s benefits are not limited to students only, as it also serves as a catalyst in promoting the country’s technological advancement. The scheme has created a demand for laptops, which has led to an increase in the production of laptops in the country. The scheme has also created job opportunities in the IT sector, contributing to the country’s economic growth.

Impact of the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme has had a significant impact on the education sector and the lives of students. The scheme has provided laptops to over one million students, enabling them to access a world of information and knowledge. The program has enhanced students’ academic performance, creativity, and innovation, providing them with the tools they need to compete with students from all over the world.

The scheme has also promoted digital literacy, enabling students to understand and use technology in their daily lives. The program has had a positive impact on the country’s technological advancement. It will create a demand for laptops and contributes to the growth of the IT sector. The program has also provided a sense of hope and opportunity to the young generation. It will instill in them the belief that they can achieve their dreams and contribute to the country’s progress.

Challenges Faced by the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme has faced several challenges since its launch. One of the significant challenges is the distribution of laptops to deserving students. The program’s objective is to provide laptops to students who have demonstrated academic excellence. But there have been reports of laptops being distributed to students who do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Another challenge is the maintenance of laptops and the availability of technical support. Many students have reported issues with their laptops, and there have been complaints about the lack of technical support. The scheme’s success depends on the availability of technical support and the maintenance of laptops, and these issues need to be addressed to ensure the program’s sustainability.

Future of the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme

The government has achieved success with the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme and maintains a commitment to its future continuation. The program aims to expand its reach to more students while ensuring deserving recipients. The government is enhancing technical support and maintenance services for seamless laptop usage by students.

The scheme’s future also includes promoting the use of technology in the education sector and enhancing the quality of education. The success of the program has demonstrated that technology can enhance students’ academic performance and promote digital literacy. The government is committed to utilizing technology to improve the education sector and create a knowledge-based economy.

Success stories of this scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme has changed the lives of many students who have received laptops through the program. Many students have reported significant improvements in their academic performance, creativity, and innovation. The scheme has enabled students from underprivileged backgrounds to access a world of information and knowledge, which was previously not possible.

The scheme has also provided a sense of hope and opportunity to the young generation. By instilling in them the belief that they can achieve their dreams and contribute to the country’s progress. The success stories of the scheme’s beneficiaries are a testament to the program’s impact on the lives of young students.

Criticism on this scheme

The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme has faced criticism regarding its effectiveness and sustainability. Some argue that the scheme fails to address the root cause: poor education quality in the country.

Furthermore, in addition, others have raised concerns about the program’s eligibility criteria. Specifically, some argue that laptops should be distributed based on financial needs rather than academic performance. Additionally, certain critics have questioned the program’s sustainability, expressing doubts about the government’s ability to maintain the program in the future due to financial constraints.


The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme is a revolutionary program that has transformed the lives of many students in Pakistan. The scheme has provided laptops to over one million students. Its main aim is to promote digital inclusion and bridge the digital divide in the country. The program has enhanced students’ academic performance, creativity, and innovation. It provide them with the tools they need to compete with students from all over the world.

The success of the scheme has demonstrated that technology can enhance the education sector and foster a knowledge-based economy. The government is committed to continuing the program in the future. The impact on young students’ lives is evident through success stories. The Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme empowers young minds, promotes digital inclusion, and creates a better future for Pakistan.