Learning methods

In an educational setting or a classroom, teachers, and students, process observation-based information by adopting their personal and preferred learning styles. To keep this information in the brain, students use different methods. These are called methods of learning or styles of learning. For example, some individuals learn best through visual instruction, while others have vital insight into verbal instruction; some can learn through performing a task, while others can learn in group discussions. A student can understand learning style in a better way. This article is about learning styles, their importance, and types of learning styles. It also teaches the relationship between learning styles and academic performance, teaching methods, their learning outcomes, and innovative learning styles in the covid pandemic spread.

Best study Methods in academics and learning strategies

Receiving, interpreting, organizing, and storing information are the four essential components of learning. It is not this simple and limited. There are multiple steps to follow in learning. No doubt it’s a properly planned procedure that students adopt while studying. The learning styles or methods consist of a few gradual steps. It includes giving attention to the stimuli to gather information and then memorizing that information gained through observation. In the 3rd step, the brain processes and organizes the information according to its importance. At the 4th level, one becomes capable of writing that memorized information in a well-structured pattern.

In the last step, acquired knowledge becomes a part of intellect. This intellect collaborates with a unique, innovative, and creative mind. It produces a higher-order thinking level for gaining and keeping new knowledge with some essential extra details in the brain. This last level is achieved after getting the first five steps done. The higher order or critical thinking level leads to acquiring new advanced knowledge according to the intelligence level. The best way of getting an education is based on different methods and styles. These are commonly used worldwide. However, these styles have meaningful impacts on studies. The types are the following:

Visual / Special learning method

Visual and spatial learning is a style through which learners respond to a pictorial presentation of a subject. Maps, charts, flashcards, and graphs are presented and displayed to such learners. Vision-based learning is saving the details in mind by looking at these pictures and cues.

It is one of the best types of learning through which you can retain information for a longer time. Nowadays, in classrooms, projectors are used for this purpose. Using visual memory as a tool to keep information in the brain is the best learning method.

Kinesthetic /bodily/physical learning method 

These learners are the ones who love to explore things themselves. Tangible things are the way of learning for them. They use their physical movement in the learning process. They keep restless during sitting lectures. Learning is enhanced if they have hands-on experience and movement during lectures. Interactive models and props are some tools to engage this type of learner to get maximum performance.

Naturalistic learning method 

They are having a physical trip to the school lawn to allow them to explore plants, and its part themselves can make such learners more efficient in understanding the given information than sitting in classrooms. Such learners learn best when they are close to nature. They are ready to explore the information more broadly and naturally when they are in close contact with nature.

Linguistic learning method 

It combines both verbal and written styles. This method is traditional and typical, and students have been using it for so long. Students learn through auditory lessons or by reading material. They either take written notes while studying their lesson as well. They store information by reading, writing, and sounding study material and are best in written assignments and projects.

Musical learning method 

Sometimes students combine auditory and musical methods to get good results in learning. Where music or noise considering a hurdle in the learning process, some people respond very well in the presence of music and a noisy environment. They tend to be good musicians in the future too.

Logical (Mathematical) learning method 

Learners having logical or mathematical styles prefer to process information through complex problems. They are more likely to go for complicated concepts and thus understand them even more accessible. They identify different situations, make strategies to solve them and implement logic. Learners love to handle logical aspects of learning. They are good at calculations and reasoning. They learn more efficiently through instructional methods and follow step-by-step guides excellently.

Intrapersonal/solitary learning method 

Opposite to the interpersonal style, the Solitary or independent style typically refers to learning through self-study. Solitary learners may succeed in environments with ample space and silence to grasp tasks and concepts and deal with problems independently. They may prefer to do solo research, depending on their findings. These students love to work independently and produce extraordinary results. 

Interpersonal/social learning method 

Social or interpersonal learning is a type in which students learn most effectively working in collaborative group environments. This learning style teaches students strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. Social learners prefer to work alongside others, discuss topics in a group, and negotiate problems with peers. Group activities and projects are the best way to enhance this method to get the desired outcome.

Relationship between learning styles and academic performance

Every student has unique and different learning styles. The method they adopt depends upon their preferred learning style, which suits their mindsets, habits, and aptitude. When a student adopts a particular strategy for keeping knowledge in refined form, it helps them perform better way ahead. Getting a handful of knowledge about one’s learning style is more likely to enhance one’s academic performance. Moreover, exploring these styles helps identify their strengths and guides how to work on them even more efficiently in the future. To conclude, choosing the right learning style can impact one’s academic outcomes and learning development.

Teaching methods and their learning outcomes

Bloom’s taxonomy is one of the best theories for teaching methods or tools widely used worldwide. It helps teachers develop higher-order critical thinking abilities in students using these strategies in a classroom setting to get the best learning outcome. This theory provides a framework of planning for teachers to assess students and adopt the best teaching style accordingly. It is goal-oriented. It focuses on lesson planning and keeping clear objectives while setting goals and methods to follow and the best way to blend different methods for study purposes to enhance learning. 

Introduction to Innovative learning styles during the pandemic

These styles are vital in getting desired outcomes from the learning process. But, After passing through this pandemic period, the world has become wiser and closer. Due to the covid pandemic’s spread, trends of physical classes have shifted to online classrooms. Students have become more familiar with gadgets and their usage in academic settings. Acquiring knowledge through online methods is a new phenomenon. This phenomenon is called (New-Normal Phenomena). We had been using the internet for many purposes earlier, but we were unfamiliar with using online study methods. Now online searches, google usage, exploring different case studies, and applying multiple software applications in academics have innovation in learning methods. It has a remarkable value in today’s study system.