No Conflict with Army Only Want Fair Elections

Imran Khan, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan, has said that he does not have a problem with the country’s army, but that he wants fair elections. In an interview on social media platforms, on Monday, Imran Khan said he doesn’t have Conflict with Army and wants Fair Elections. Imran Khan said that he had no problem with the army of Pakistan personally as he just wants a free and fair election in Pakistan. However, he said that he believed that the army had become too powerful in Pakistani politics.

During the one and half hour querying session on social media, he faces many questions from participants on relationships with the army, the economy, and the current situation of politics in the country. After getting questioned on why he replaced Gen Asim Munir as DG ISI with Gen Faiz Hameed in 2019 as he was in power and he was Prime Minister of Pakistan, he did not give a straight answer but rather said that as he watched on social media, the opposition is siding with COAS.

Khan’s comments have sparked a debate in Pakistan about the role of the army in politics. Some people believe that the army should stay out of politics, while others believe that it has a legitimate role to play in ensuring stability in the country.

The current situation in Pakistan is fluid and it is difficult to predict what will happen next. However, it is clear that the country is facing a number of challenges, including political instability, economic problems, and security threats.

The relationship between Imran Khan and the Pakistani army is complex and has been the subject of much debate. As Imran Khan said in the session on social media he has no problems with the army and just wants free and fair elections. It remains to be seen how the army will respond to Khan’s comments and what the implications will be for Pakistani politics.