

Education means ‘to learn, to ‘gain knowledge and teach someone the new thing which he knew not.

Education contains all the information about learning and gaining knowledge from schools, academies, colleges and universities. It also consists of an education system for learning.

What is General Education Diplomas and Courses

General education, courses and diplomas are offered by many colleges and schools. The word education was originally derived from the Latin word 'educationem' which means, to create, to learn or be taught. Education is...
secondary education

Secondary Education Explained: A Beginner’s Guide

The Education Level which mostly starts from level 10 to 12 is called secondary education. It is also known as post-primary education.Secondary education is an important part of a person’s life. It can give...
10 benefits of education

Unlocking the 10 Surprising Benefits of Education

Education is often viewed as a means to an end - a way to secure a good job, earn more money or climb the career ladder. However, the benefits of education go far beyond...

Is physical education important?

Is physical education important? The answer is very simple It is one of the most important ways of learning. It makes you physically fit and healthy. Your social life will be better and you...

Online Learning Advantages and Disadvantages

Online learning means gaining knowledge and skills through the use of the internet and other electronic media. It is the latest form of learning and is the fastest way to progress. Online learning has...

Girls’ Education in Pakistan

The trend of girls' education in Pakistan is increasing continuously. At the official level, there are no restrictions on girls' education but Pakistani society in some areas was not ready for girls' education. Some...

Monitoring Students’ mental health

Monitoring Students' mental health is most important for the students as well as their education. Elementary schools must monitor the students' mental health because at this level a child needs early education which helps...

The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Education

Education Education is a process of gaining experience and learning new things. We can define education in such a way that the process of learning, the process of acquiring knowledge, the process of character building...
At Home Schooling Programs

At-Home Schooling Programs for Your Child

At home schooling programs means any activity made at home to learn your child. Home schooling means learning at home without going to any educational institution. There are many at home schooling programs to...
Problems of Education in Pakistan

Top 10 Problems of Education in Pakistan

There are unlimited problems with education in Pakistan since its creation of Pakistan. No policy has been taken to solve these problems. The government has not taken any serious steps to solve these problems....

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